The book market has been critical for many years, and in the long run, the book and publishing market come under enormous pressure from several sides. Today we read because of a high national average age largely traditional books. Everything from the way you buy books, to which platforms they are distributed on and by whom, is changing. New generations have new habits and do not bother to live by industry-defined norms.
The challenges doesn't only come from the outside. Both the publishers themselves and several of the authors find it difficult to escape the habits of thinking and embracing change, therefore it is largely the reviewers and sales channels that define how the market should develop and who should play on the field.
The 7 W's
Why - Have a society where fewer young people become mentally ill and live a good life with their illness.
What - Help the target audience prevent their mental disorders by visualising and reviewing their "bad days".
Who - Generation Z, young people who attends secondary education, 15-19 years old. they don't have time to live their "perfect life", 20% of all young people in a secondary education meet the requirements for a diagnosis.
2nd why - Too many young people have a mental diagnosis or are unaware of it. They are pressured by society, grades pressure and the pressure they put on themselves. Mental illnesses must be prevented in young people before it becomes permanent.
What should the conversation be about - Young girls must wake up and realize they do not have enough time to achieve everything and have good grades at the same time.
How - At eye level, speak directly and with ESP (Emotional Selling Point). There should be talked to the target audiences emotions.
Where - Printed media: schools, activity clubs, fitness. Digital Media: Facebook, Instagram and YouTube
When - Launching of the app in spring 2019, Think Yourself Strong campaign: Spring 2019 - Fall 2019

This project was for a real client, a deal made between my school and the client, Rosinante & CO. The client asked us to come up with a solution to bring awareness on mental health and give the product real value. For this project I was in a research group where we spent 4 weeks making all of the research before splitting up and making our own design for the chosen idea. Our research was both desk and field research, so we first started by doing some desk research about mental health and the man behind the product - Bobby Zachariae.
Bobby Zachariae is a cand. psych. dr. med. specialised in health psychology and is one of Denmarks most leading stress experts. He made a product of 10 CD series - Visualisation & Life Quality, which has helped many people in an uncomplicated way to impact their own well-being. Bobby has also published many books such as "Well-being & Stress Management" published by Rosinante & CO in 2008, which is a practical handbook both for managers and employees.
Each CD has each its own topic and is available for download. Each CD has exercises that teaches you how to use relaxation and visualisation as tools for getting better.
CD topics: insecurity, discomfort & pain, stress, sleep well, self esteem, cancer, immune system, visualisation for kids, inner balance and anxiety. Within the research group we all agreed to focus on 4 CD's - insecurity, stress, self esteem and anxiety. After focusing on 4 CD's we made a deeper research on those topics to find insights and a target audience.
We conducted a survey with 234 respondents to gather insights about the users, their pain points and needs. The answers gave us a better knowledge about their sociography, behaviour and attitude towards mental health.
We interviewed a student counsellor at a secondary education and psychologists at university college to ask them how they help students with mental health issues.
- 75,6% of the respondents are female
- The majority of respondents are 22-26 years old
- 84,2% of the respondents feels pressured in their daily life
- Respondents preferences for guided mindfulness are characterised by different attitudes about gender and the possibility of having music and natural sounds in the background
- Many respondents have tried meditative methods, but only 38.1% use it in their everyday lives
- 51.8% of respondents do not think a physical book about mindfullness or meditation will be useful to them
Therefore there will be created an app that gives you exercises on how to deal with different topics. It's possible to choose more than one topic. The app has a forum where you can interact with other members who chose the same topics as you like anxiety and stress. The app also have a SAD calendar (stress, anxiety, depression) where you log the days which were bad days and that gives you an overview of how your mental health is developing.
This is a concept that helps young people with their mental health to become better and will eventually come to terms with they can't have a perfect life, but they can plan their weeks and therefore be less pressured with time to do everything - going to school, do homework, hangout with friends/family, spending time with their significant other if they have one, work in their part time job and still get good grades.
With the research findings in mind I began to brainstorm features the app needs to have. I came up with as many ideas as possible without considering feasibility at this stage

I brainstormed ideas for the logo of the app where I made some sketches and then moved to Adobe Illustrator to draw them up for further logo development. When I found a name for the app it was easier to make logo sketches. The name of the app is Sundt Sind which means healthy mind in English. I wanted to have a thinking bubble to symbolise the mind, a brain to represent the mind as well and I was very fond of playing with the letters SS (Sundt Sind)

The final logo design is an S in the middle and around it half circles in opposite directions. The half circles symbolises the mind.

Now that the visual identity is built, it was easier for me to make a flowchart of the app, which also helped me to stay focused on each page within the app.

App Design

Landing Page

Choose topic


Create profile

Create profile 2

Buy access

Where you heard about it

Daily meditation






Playing meditation

Nature sounds
The app designs background is a gradient which has a calming effect especially from blue to purple. Each topic within in the app has its own colour which is identical to the colour on the CD's. When entering a page in the menu the button shifts from an outline to a fill colour. All fill colours on buttons are gradients as well to match the overall design in the app.
To gain a deeper and better UX/UI with the campaign it is obvious to test the app, this is to see how well it works and if the users get hooked when using the app. However this was a project for a real client and therefore there wasn't enough time to test it as we were only given 8 weeks but we all presented our ideas, with my idea the client was especially happy about the SAD calendar.
This project was the first one that made me interested in UX/UI design, which was just two weeks before I would start my internship in Antwerp for Prophets. Before starting the project I didn't really have a clear idea about where I had the strongest skills but after this project it was becoming very clear to me - I loved to do a thorough research and then design and ideate from the research.
The launch of the app will happen in Spring 2019, it will launch around the same time as the campaign "Tænk Dig Stærk" (Think yourself strong) and its campaign time will expand to Fall 2019. There will also be posters of the campaign talking about the app, these posters will hang on schools, activity clubs, fitness centers etc. The posters have to be all those places where the young people get around. The campaign will also be on Social media - Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.




Low self esteem
Social Media Ads

Facebook Ad

Facebook Sponsored App

Facebook Sponsored App

Instagram Sponsored Ad

Instagram Sponsored Ad
We tried to do a thorough research as a group to find answers. After splitting up I tried to go in depth with all components and devices that will have an impact on the solution. I found this project very interesting and exciting as it was also one of my personal interests. The project was made in September-October 2018 with a final presentation for the client, Rosinante & CO.
I'm still passionated about it and I will continue to develop it further.